Dam failure and mammals
a portrait of the scenario prior to Mariana disaster
https://doi.org/10.32673/bjm.vi90.48Palabras clave:
Annotated list, Dam failure, Fundão dam, Literature review, MuseumResumen
Brazil experienced the largest socioenvironmental catastrophe of its history, caused by a tailings dam failure, known as “Mariana disaster”. The wave of iron-mining waste buried villages, contaminated the Doce River, and left an immense ocean plume. The Doce River watershed is the largest in southeast Brazil, and located in the Atlantic Forest domain, presenting an outstanding economic, social, and biological relevance. Although the effects of such tragic events are usually assessed through fish assemblage changes, mammals have important effects on environment structure and regeneration. Inventories are of prime importance for adequate conservation efforts as well as for evaluating impacts of any disaster. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to present an updated assessment of mammalian list collected in the affected portion of Doce River before the dam failure therefore contributing to future conservation efforts. Data collection comprised specimens deposited in Museu Nacional/UFRJ, the oldest mammal collection of Brazil, and literature review. The two surveys together retrieved 157 species from 31 families and 11 orders, representing around 60% of the known mammalian diversity in the Atlantic Forest, including some in critical conservation condition, such as the Franciscana dolphin, the northern muriqui and the giant otter. Mining is a byproduct of present society, with dam breaches as a recurring problem. Facing the importance of Doce River to both Brazilian biodiversity and society, the chain of events must be taken into account in environmental rehabilitation strategies, and taxa less commonly assessed, like mammals, should be included.
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