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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, and does not contain information regarding the authors and their affiliations.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Introduction letter to editors".
  • Text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point Calibri font; expressions in other languages (including Latin), names of genus, species and subspecies in italics; right-justified paragraphs, with “auto” spacing before and after and 1 cm indent on the first line; figures referred to in the text as “Figure 1” or “Figures 1 and 2”, tables as “Table 1” or “Tables 1 and 2; Figure captions and Tables, all in the same document, after the references and supplementary material (if any); figures must be sent in separate files with high resolution.
  • Where available, the URLs for the references were provided
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.

Author Guidelines


 Submissions must be of unpublished works, not submitted to another journal. Reviewers or their exclusion due to conflict of interest can be suggested, informing name, e-mail address, affiliation.



Manuscripts must be sent in .docx files, Calibri font size 12, double spacing, margins of 2.5 centimeters. Justified paragraphs to the right, with “auto” spacing before and after and indentation of 1 cm in the first line. Sequentially numbered pages. Expressions in other languages (including Latin), names of genera, species and subspecies in italics. Use metric system and degrees Celsius. Figures referred to in the text as “Figure 1” or “Figures 1 and 2”, tables as “Table 1” or “Tables 1 and 2”. Numbers from one to nine written in full. Hours in the 24-hour system. Coordinates in the 00o00'00 format, followed by S and O / W (according to the language of the text) and Datum. Manuscripts must follow the International Zoological Nomenclature Code, and testimony specimens must present information on the number of tumble and acronym for the depositary collection. Samples of tissues, parasites and cells in suspension must be related to the respective specimens. Sequence access numbers on Genbank or EMBL are mandatory. Numbers of the Collection License, approval of the Ethics Committees on the Use of Animals and the Brazil Platform, when pertinent, must be informed in the last paragraph of the “Material and Methods”. Footnotes are not accepted.




Abstract with up to 250 words and up to five keywords, in alphabetical order, with initials in capital letters and separated by semicolons. Manuscripts in Portuguese or Spanish with an abstract and the Keywords in the language of the manuscript, followed by ABSTRACT, preceded by the title, and Keywords in English. English manuscripts with abstract and keywords in the language of the manuscript, followed by the abstract, preceded by the title, and keywords in Portuguese. The body of the text divided into INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS (without subdivisions or subtitles), RESULTS (without subdivisions or subtitles), DISCUSSION (without subdivisions or subtitles), ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES, APPENDICES (where applicable), Table and Figure Legends and the Tables, all in the same document. When there is SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ON-LINE send it in a separate file. References at the end of the DISCUSSION, before the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Section titles must be written in CAPITAL LETTERS. Figures must be sent in separate files with high resolution (see specifications below).



Abstract with up to 100 words and up to five keywords, in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons. Manuscripts in Portuguese or Spanish with abstract and Keywords in the language of the manuscript, followed by the abstract, preceded by the title, and Keywords in English. English manuscripts with ABSTRACT and Keywords in the language of the manuscript, followed by the abstract, preceded by the title, and keywords in Portuguese. The body of the text has no divisions or appendix, with two introductory paragraphs, methods in summary form, results preferably in the form of a table, containing at most one photo, a map and text of up to one paragraph, followed by a brief discussion of at most three paragraphs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES, Captions of Tables and Figures and Tables in the same way as for articles. When there is SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ONLINE, send it in a separate file. Refer at the end of the DISCUSSION, before the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Figures must be sent in a separate file with high resolution (see specifications below).



Abstract with up to 250 words and up to five keywords, in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons. Manuscripts in Portuguese or Spanish with the ABSTRACT and the Keywords in the language of the manuscript, followed by the ABSTRACT, preceded by the title, and Keywords in English. English manuscripts with ABSTRACT and Keywords in the language of the manuscript, followed by the abstract, preceded by the title, and keywords in Portuguese. The body of the text may have a free format, with or without subtitles. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES, Captions of Tables and Figures and Tables in the same way as for articles. When there is SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ON-LINE send it in a separate file. Refer at the end of the DISCUSSION, before the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Figures must be sent in a separate file with high resolution (see specifications below).



Abstracts of theses, dissertations and course conclusion papers must be sent as they appear in the original document (thesis, dissertation, etc.) containing the title with the first letter in uppercase, in English or Portuguese. Then, the author's name and contact email. The post-graduate program or undergraduate course, the name of the supervisor and co-supervisors, if any, followed by their institutions must follow. After the advisors, the date of the defense with day, month and year must be included, and in the case of students with a scholarship or research funding, the fostering institution (or institutions). The abstract should not contain keywords.



Organized in alphabetical order, followed by ascending chronological order. When necessary, include letters after the same year by the same author. Examples: Cerqueira (1998) or Cerqueira (1998: 14-20) or Cerqueira (1998: figs. 1, 2) or Cerqueira (1998a, b) or Bonvicino & Oliveira (1998) or Adams (2000), Bonvicino & Oliveira (1998a, b) and Markham (1890) or (Adams, 2000; Bonvicino & Oliveira, 1998a, b; Markham, 1890) or (M. de Vivo, pers. comm. - according to the language of the text).

Citations with more than two authors must mention the first author, followed by et al. Example: Cerqueira et al. (1998) or (Cerqueira et al., 1998);

Authors with suffixes that designate degrees of kinship, cite the last surname followed by the kinship. Example: Abreu-Junior (2020) or (Cruz-Neto et al., 2020). References also use the last surname followed by kinship.

Sites should come in the format;


Government agency materials, including Laws, Decrees and Normative Instructions, cite the initials of the responsible agency, followed by the year (BRASIL, 2009; IBGE, 2019; MMA, 2020).


All citations presented in the text, tables, figures, appendices and, when available, supplementary material online must be included in the REFERENCES.



Arranged in alphabetical order. When there are more than eight (8) authors, list the first eight authors, followed by et al. Titles of scientific journals in full. Fields generated by reference programs (e.g. Mendeley, EndNote) must be removed before submission. Theses, dissertations, monographs and abstracts of scientific meetings can be cited, but they should be avoided. DOI must be added to the end of the reference, when available. The following are examples of formatting references.



Silva MJJ, Patton JL, Yonenaga-Yassuda Y. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships and karyotype evolution in the sigmodontine rodent Akodon (2n=10 and 2n=16) from Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29(3): 469-474.

Voss RS, Hubbard C, Jansa SA. 2013a. Phylogenetic Relationships of New World Porcupines (Rodentia, Erethizontidae): Implications for Taxonomy, Morphological Evolution, and Biogeography. American Museum Novitates 3769: 1-36.

Voss RS, Lim BK, Díaz-Nieto JF, Jansa SA. 2013b. A new species of Marmosops (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) from the Pakaraima Highlands of Guyana, with remarks on the origin of the endemic Pantepui mammal fauna. American Museum Novitates 3778: 1-27.



Jones M, Dickman C, Archer M. 2003. Predators with pouches. The biology of carnivorous marsupials. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood.


Book Chapters:

Oliveira JA, Bonvicino CR. 2006. Ordem Rodentia. Pp. 347-400, In: Reis NR, Peracchi AL, Pedro WA, Lima IP (Eds.), Mamíferos do Brasil. Editora Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina.


Dissertations or Thesis:

Loretto, D. 2012. Ecologia de pequenos mamíferos arborícolas: estado do conhecimento, métodos de amostragem e estudo populacional, com ênfase no bioma da Mata Atlântica. Tese de Doutorado em Ciências Biológicas (Ecologia), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


Website Contents:

Vieira E, Christoff A. 2008. Wilfredomys oenax. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versão 2013.1. Disponível em: Acessado em: 13 de agosto de 2018.

IUCN. 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Versão 2013.1. Disponível em: Acessado em: 13 de agosto de 2018.



Maddison WP, Maddison DR. 2009. Mesquite: a modular system for evolutionary analysis, Versão 2.7.1. Disponível em:


Software packages:

Harmon LJ, Weir J, Brock C, Glor R, Challenger W, Hunt G. 2009. Geiger: analysis of evolutionary diversification, R package. Disponível em:


Laws, Decrees, Normative Instructions:

BRASIL. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. 2009. Decreto nº 6.848, de 14 de maio de 2009. Altera e acrescenta dispositivos ao Decreto no 4.340, de 22 de agosto de 2002, para regulamentar a compensação ambiental. Brasília, 14 de maio de 2009. Available in: Accessed March 7, 2021.

IBGE – Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. 2019. Biomas e sistema costeiro-marinho do Brasil : compatível com a escala 1:250 000. IBGE, Coordenação de Recursos Naturais e Estudos Ambientais, Rio de Janeiro. 164 p.



It should be cited in the text as Figure S1, Appendix S1, Table S1, Audio S1, Video S1, etc. At the end of the discussion, before the acknowledgments, include a paragraph stating: “Supplementary material can be found at” as well as a brief caption for each file.



They must come after the references. The legends of the tables must be numbered sequentially, followed by the legends of the Figures. Scientific names must appear in full. Photos must include the credits to the authors.



Presented after the Legends for Tables and Figures. They must be self-explanatory, not repeating information from figures or text. Formatted only with horizontal lines, without shading marks or colors.



They must summarize visually, to complement and not repeat, information provided in the text, sent in separate files. Important but not essential figures must be submitted as Supplemental Material Online. Figures and graphs must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Colored figures and graphs will be converted to black and white for print publication. Colored figures will only be included in the digital version of the magazine, appearing in B&W in the printed version. Figures / Boards / Illustrations, in bitmap format, that are captioned / numbered that occupy 2 (two) columns (17 cm) must be formatted with body 14, and those occupying a column (8 cm), formatted with body 10, maintaining the file with open layers in the PSD or TIF extensions. If there are no texts, the format can be JPG or TIFF, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Graphics must be sent as vector files (XLS, AI, CDR, EPS). If the figure requires more details, before publication, authors may be asked to send it in a better resolution. A scale bar must be included, indicating the absolute size, when applicable. The length of the scale bar must be specified in the legend. Legends should not contain information about the magnification factor (e.g. x7000; x80000). Figures should be assembled in order to minimize white areas.

Original figures should be cited in the text as Figure (s). Figures from other sources mentioned in the text must be in lower case (figure). In the case of composite figures, each part should be referred to in the text as Figure 1A, Figure 1B, Figure 2C-D, etc. In this case, letters must be placed in the lower right corner of each illustration. Authors should suggest, in the text, where figures can be inserted.



Submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a declaration that this is an unpublished work and not submitted or published in another journal.

The criteria for publication are the quality and relevance of the work, clarity of the text, quality of the figures and format according to the publication rules. In the case of thesis abstracts, dissertations and end-of-course papers, it is considered that the review process was carried out by the evaluation board of the work and will be published in full without going through an additional review process.

Submissions are directed to Associate Editors, who will send them to at least two reviewers. Associate Editors return reviews and recommendations to Editors for final decision. All communication is recorded electronically between the Editors and the corresponding author. Contributions sent to the “Abstracts” category are not submitted to the review process (see “general aspects”). The peer review system is double-blind.



Monographs and review studies of up to 350 (three hundred and fifty) pages may also be published, individually, in special numbers proposed by SBMz members. As only a limited number of this type of work can be published per year, interested authors should contact the Editors prior to submission. Special numbers proposed by members follow the same rules for submission and review of articles, notes and essays.


RESUMO no máximo com 250 palavras e até cinco PALAVRAS-CHAVE, em ordem alfabética, com iniciais em maiúsculas e separadas por ponto e vírgula. Manuscritos em português ou espanhol com RESUMO e as PALAVRAS-CHAVE no idioma do manuscrito, seguidos pelo ABSTRACT, precedido pelo TÍTULO, e KEYWORDS em inglês. Manuscritos em inglês com RESUMO e as PALAVRAS-CHAVE no idioma do manuscrito, seguidos pelo RESUMO, precedido pelo TÍTULO, e PALAVRAS-CHAVE em português. O corpo do texto dividido em INTRODUÇÃO, MATERIAL E MÉTODOS (sem subdivisões ou subtítulos), RESULTADOS (sem subdivisões ou subtítulos), DISCUSSÃO (sem subdivisões ou subtítulos), AGRADECIMENTOS, REFERÊNCIAS, APÊNDICES (quando houver), Legendas de Tabelas e Figuras e as Tabelas, todos no mesmo documento. Quando houver MATERIAL SUPLEMENTAR ON-LINE enviar em arquivo separado. Referencias no final da DISCUSSÃO, antes dos AGRADECIMENTOS. Títulos das seções devem ser escritos em LETRA MAIÚSCULA. As figuras devem ser enviadas em arquivos separados com alta resolução (ver especificações acima).


RESUMO no máximo com 250 palavras e até cinco PALAVRAS-CHAVE, em ordem alfabética, com iniciais em maiúsculas e separadas por ponto e vírgula. Manuscritos em português ou espanhol com RESUMO e as PALAVRAS-CHAVE no idioma do manuscrito, seguidos pelo ABSTRACT, precedido pelo TÍTULO, e KEYWORDS em inglês. Manuscritos em inglês com RESUMO e as PALAVRAS-CHAVE no idioma do manuscrito, seguidos pelo RESUMO, precedido pelo TÍTULO, e PALAVRAS-CHAVE em português. O corpo do texto pode apresentar formato livre, com ou sem subtítulos. AGRADECIMENTOS, REFERÊNCIAS, Legendas de Tabelas e Figuras e as Tabelas, todos no mesmo documento. Quando houver MATERIAL SUPLEMENTAR ON-LINE enviar em arquivo separado. Referencias no final da DISCUSSÃO, antes dos AGRADECIMENTOS. As figuras devem ser enviadas em arquivos separados com alta resolução (ver especificações acima).


RESUMO no máximo com 100 palavras e até cinco PALAVRAS-CHAVE, em ordem alfabética, com iniciais em maiúsculas e separadas por ponto e vírgula. Manuscritos em português ou espanhol com RESUMO e as PALAVRAS-CHAVE no idioma do manuscrito, seguidos pelo ABSTRACT, precedido pelo TÍTULO, e KEYWORDS em inglês. Manuscritos em inglês com RESUMO e as PALAVRAS-CHAVE no idioma do manuscrito, seguidos pelo RESUMO, precedido pelo TÍTULO, e PALAVRAS-CHAVE em português. O corpo do texto não apresenta divisões ou apêndice, com dois parágrafos introdutórios, métodos de forma resumida, resultados preferencialmente em forma de tabela, contendo no máximo uma foto, um mapa e texto de até um parágrafo, seguido de uma breve discussão de no máximo três parágrafos. AGRADECIMENTOS, REFERÊNCIAS, Legendas de Tabelas e Figuras e as Tabelas, todos no mesmo documento. Quando houver MATERIAL SUPLEMENTAR ON-LINE enviar em arquivo separado. Referencias no final da DISCUSSÃO, antes dos AGRADECIMENTOS. As figuras devem ser enviadas em arquivos separados com alta resolução (ver especificações acima).

Abstracts of dissertations, theses and bachelor's monographs

Resumos de teses, dissertações e trabalhos de conclusão de curso devem ser enviados tal como constam do documento original (tese, dissertação, etc.) contendo título com a primeira letra em maiúscula, em inglês ou português. Em seguida, o nome do autor e e-mail para contato. A seguir deve constar o programa de pós-graduação ou curso de graduação, o nome do orientador(es) e co-orientador(es), caso houver, seguido de suas instituições. Após os orientador(es), deve constar a data da defesa com dia, mês e ano, e no caso de alunos com bolsa ou financiamento para pesquisa, a instituição (ou instituições) de fomento. O resumo não deve conter palavras-chave.


O Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy publica obituários de mastozoólogas e mastozoólogo que tiveram um impacto importante na mastozoologia brasileira. Os textos dos obituários devem conter um máximo de 1000 palavras. Obituários devem idealmente conter pelo menos uma fotografia da pessoa homenageada, podendo chegar a até três fotografias. O texto é de formato livre, e pode conter uma lista de publicações selecionadas. Obitários devem ser intitulados "Obituário: Nome completo (data de nascimento - data de falecimento)".

Os textos dos obituários serão revisados pelos editores da revista. Qualquer dúvida adicional pode ser sanada contactando diretamente os editores.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.